Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения Ярославской области “Областной перинатальный центр”

Gynecological surgery

Gynecological surgery

  • Expert level of laparoscopic surgery for deep infiltrative endometriosis with damage to the urinary tract, intestines, pelvic cell spaces, nerves and plexuses.
  • Reconstructive, reproductive oriented laparoscopic surgery of the uterus with multiple large fibroids with any localization of myomas using temporary occlusion of the internal iliac vessels.  Bloodless surgery and quality restoration of the uterus for women oriented to subsequent natural births.
  • Genital prolapse surgery with individual access planning and applied technologies. Rational use of approved meshes materials and methods: transobturator sling, intravaginal sacrospinal colpocervicosuspension, colposacropexy.  Sling and own tissue surgery of stress incontinence (TVT-O, TOT, Burch procedure).

Infertility and assisted reproductive technology

  • Rapid examination of the causes of infertility;
  • Screening to determine the male factor in infertility;
  • Intrauterine insemination;
  • Examination and preparation for IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • IVF and ICSI (sperm injection into the oocyte cytoplasm);
  • cryopreservation of germ cells;
  • cryopreservation of embryos.